The Nitty Gritty
Thank you for taking the time to apply to be a part of the Steyn Entertainment Entrepreneurship Initiative in collaboration with Market Up.
We look forward to getting to know you and seeing successful applicants settle into their office spaces in the next while.
There are a few things you need to know to ensure this prospect is for you and your business. Please read through the basic nitty gritty details and take some time to go over the lease agreement.
For the general terms and conditions, please read through the following points:
- A lease agreement will need to be signed to receive the sponsored year of office rental in Market Up. The lease agreement can be found here: Market Up Lease Agreement
- Each successful applicant will be required to take part in a short video which will showcase their craft, interview the business owner, and market the business. This video will be used throughout Steyn Entertainment and Market Up social media channels and may be used elsewhere within the Steyn Entertainment businesses at the discretion of Steyn Entertainment.
- Applicants accept that Steyn Entertainment and associated businesses may tag, talk about or use images and footage of the sponsored business for marketing purposes
- Successful applicants will be notified on or before 17 September 2021.
- The office space will be available from 1 October 2021 only.
- The sponsored year will begin on 1 October 2021 and end on 30 September 2022.
- Businesses/individuals will sign a 3-year rental agreement in order to receive the sponsored year, the first year of which will be sponsored by Steyn Entertainment.
- Businesses will pay off their deposit each month during the sponsored period in equal increments ex vat to ensure that there is no additional deposit required to be paid for the remaining two years of the lease agreement at the end of the sponsored period.
- Rental will be charged at a reduced rate of R90 ex vat per square meter for the paid lease period starting on 1 October 2022 and ending 30 September 2024.
- Office spaces will be selected per person and will supplied in the E block of Market Up.
- Office spaces may be viewed once the successful applicants are confirmed, prior to signature of the lease agreement. Each successful applicant will be assigned a unit.
- Office spaces are on average between 40 and 50 square meters.